We open the 11th call for entries of Bog.EXP.Film.Fest 2025

Send your films, without limitation of format, length, technique or theme, until April 30, 2025 and become part of this non-conformist community that proposes a change. Experimental cinema is avant-garde.


Dates for Application and Submission of Works:

1. Early Bird Deadline: March 1
2. Regular Deadline: April 1 
3. Final Deadline: April 30 

Categories or Geographical Areas of Application:

1. Our Territory: Colombian Experimental Cinema
2. Other Longitudes: Experimental Cinema from Central America, South America, Antilles and the Caribbean, Africa, Asia and Oceania.
3. Other Latitudes: Experimental Cinema from North America and Europe.

Fee According to Application Phase and Category or Geographic Zone:

Our Territory: Experimental Cinema of Colombia:

1. Early Bird (Until March 1st): Free or FREE
2. Regular (Until April 1): 10 USD
3. Final (Until April 30) : 12 USD

Other Longitudes: Experimental films from Central and South America, West Indies and the Caribbean, Africa, Asia and Oceania.

1. Early Bird (Until March 1): 10 USD
2. Regular (Until April 1): 13 USD
3. Final (Up to April 30): 15 USD

Other Latitudes: Experimental Cinema from North America and Europe

1. Early Bird (Until March 1): 20 USD
2. Regular (Until April 1st): 25 USD
3. Final (Until April 30): 30 USD

Notification to Artists/Selected Works

On June 30, 2025, and after our rigorous curatorial process, all artists and directors who have been selected to conform the Official Selection 2025 will be notified by email. The artists commit to send their audiovisual work within the determined period of time (no more than 1 month after notification) and under the requested conditions.

Other Important Dates

Works or films must have been completed between January 2023 and April 2025.

The 11th edition of the Bogota Experimental Film Festival will be held in the city of Bogota between August 22 and 29, 2025.

We call for works and artists from Colombia and the world who are nonconformist and dissident of the predominant modes of production and creation; we privilege the author’s gaze in unique creative processes in their plastic exploration, that make use of diverse technologies/resources/media and develop dynamics of individual, collective or interdisciplinary creation.

Experimental cinema is avant-garde and is presented as a space for exploration, dissection and reconfiguration of what we understand as cinematographic image. We appreciate fragmentation, abstraction, deconstruction, error or meaninglessness. Experimental cinema questions the modes of existence of traditional cinema. This is a poetic, free, radical and disruptive cinema that responds to the aesthetic, political or philosophical need to see and explore cinematographic horizons far from the standardized, colonial, massive, hegemonic and/or industrialized modes of audiovisual production; excluding diversity and predominant in contemporary times.

Bog.EXP.Film.Fest, CineAutopsia, aims to give value and positioning to this anti-normative cinema and audiovisual and its creators; it is a space of expression, visualization and dialogue for political/aesthetic subjects who consciously choose to create outside the norm.

All experimental audiovisual artists from around the world are welcome to the 11th edition of the Bogotá Experimental Film Festival, Cineautopsia.

Bog.EXP.Film.Fest, Cineautopsia uses the FILMFREEWAY platform for the reception of pieces worldwide.

Bog.EXP.Film.Fest, Cineautopsia celebrates its 11th edition in 2025. For this occasion, we invite works and artists from Colombia and the world who are nonconformist and dissident of the predominant modes of production and creation; we privilege the author’s gaze in creative processes that are unique in their plastic exploration and that involve the laboratory or public space as a center of experimentation, that make use of diverse technologies and develop dynamics of individual creation, in artistic collectives or interdisciplinary groups.

During these 10 years of the festival, we have bet on recognizing and highlighting a free, radical and proactive experimental cinema, which responds to the needs of the author from an aesthetic, political or philosophical stance and which proposes artistic horizons far from the big industries and hegemonic formulas of audiovisual production: transforming the ways of doing in search of varied methodologies of creation, strengthening ways of thinking before aesthetics and technique, (audiovisual plastic), as well as the encounter with audiences in a more sensitive and emotional way, managing to embrace new possibilities of interaction and participation of experimental cinema within the cultural and social spectrum of societies.

We believe that ‘the experimental’ is not limited to an aesthetic or technical category in the cinematographic or audiovisual field; we understand it as an unequivocal symptom of a collectivity that is nonconformist in the face of the rules. The experimental represents a powerful way of problematizing, questioning or subverting the established in order to transform, to contribute to cultural change and social dialogue.

It is through experimental cinema that we find authentic ways of creating audiovisual art and in this way, we give place to any artistic manifestation where form and content risk to disarticulate the established, explore creative limits that challenge generalized aesthetics, either by using all kinds of devices in a variable way or by elevating both the expressive means and the relationship between the audience and the work, inviting to formulate new exhibition spaces and circulation strategies.

Under these parameters, any audiovisual work without limitation of format, duration or technique is welcome to apply. We accept works that fit the idea of experimental cinema and the sub-genres: found footage, cinema without camera, abstract cinema, mixed media cinema/video, video art, video sculpture, video sculpture, video dance, video performance, choreography and improvisation, video clip, sound art, experimental animation, vj edit, screen art, expanded cinema, livecinema, new media AV art, and virtual reality.

In this 11th version of the festival to be held in Bogota in August 2025, we want to strengthen the programming in spaces of artistic interest and outdoors, as well as the online exhibition from the official platform of the festival. We will have meetings with artists, academic sessions, creative lab and an editorial space on our website.


found footage, cinema without camera, raw cinematography, abstract cinema, video essay, transmedia, film/video in mixed media, video art, video sculpture, video dance, choreocinema, video performance, documentalexp, video clip, experimental animation, vj edit, screen art, expanded cinema, live cinema, livecoding, new media AV art, virtual/augmented reality.


Terms and Conditions
  • Works produced between January 2023 and April 2025 will be accepted.
  • Any work spoken in other languages or containing text and/or intertitles must be submitted with English and Spanish subtitles. Without this requirement, the work cannot be programmed for the official 2025 selection. If required by the artist, the festival can provide the subtitling service, which must be paid for when the work is notified that it will be part of the official 2024 selection.
  • All registered works enter a curatorial process and according to the criteria of the team, it reserves the right to choose or reject their selection.
  • All participating works cannot be removed from the curatorial process once the information is registered in the subscription platform.
  • The Festival does not accept audiovisual works that have a commercial or institutional purpose or concept.
  • The fee that applies for registration regarding the nationality of the work responds to the country/place/geographical space where it was produced, not to the nationality of the artist who registers the work.
  • If the work is notified for the Official Selection, it will not be withdrawn from the program or from the previously announced exhibition/circulation circuit for any reason.
  • The person/artist/group that submits the work is solely responsible for any legal implication or violation of copyrights that may occur, according to current regulations in Colombia and abroad, in terms of operating licenses, use of soundtrack, use of archival material, improper use of any type of software, among others. Likewise, the festival is exonerated from any type of legal and/or juridical claim regarding the content of the work and its copyright certificates.
  • By accepting these conditions, the participant certifies that he/she is responsible for the screening/exhibition/circulation rights and authorizes Cineautopsia – Festival de Cine Experimental de Bogotá to disseminate the work during and after the festival for an indefinite period of time. If necessary, the festival will give notice in writing and/or by personal contact granted in the subscription, communicating the events in which the work will participate outside the festival program.
  • By accepting these conditions, you allow the festival and its organizers to use the information provided in the database for communication and information purposes. The information will be protected as required by national and international laws.
  • The Festival is not responsible for requests that change the terms of this call for entries.
Categories, Awards and Recommendations

Thematic Categories:
1. Politics – Social protest – Resistance – Social movement – Revolution – Human rights – Justice 2.
2. Philosophy – Existentialism – Spirituality – Conscience – Ethics – Ethics
Memory – Archive – History
4. Art – Aesthetics
5. Ecology – Biology – Nature – Biodiversity – Climate change – Sustainability – Sustainability
6. Science – Technology – Future – Perspectives
7. Body/Gender – Diverse identities – LGBTQ+ – LGBTQ+
8. Abstraction – Sensorial – Audiovisual Experiences – Non-narrative
9. Fantasy – Speculation – Fiction – Surrealism – Horror

*Short films, medium-length films, feature films, debut films and academic works may participate in all categories.

(2) Awards for best short film (national and international).
(2) Awards for best medium-length film (national and international).
(2) Awards for best feature film (national and international).
Special mentions for thematic categories.

A specialized jury will award a certificate and curatorial concept in all cases. There will be for all winning works, a special programming at the closing of the festival, with reviews in our social networks, opinion articles and exhibition on our web platform with free access for all audiences.

General recommendations:

*Each artist may submit a maximum of two works to enter the competition.
*Minors (18 years old) may participate as long as they are represented by a legal figure who authorizes the festival for the exhibition and circulation of the work.
*If the participating work is free for viewing from any platform we can program it, but it will not be considered for the official selection 2025.
*Works already submitted in previous versions of this festival cannot participate.
*If the festival notifies that your work has been classified for the official selection, the artist must provide a high quality copy for exhibition and circulation at the indicated times.